A young 8-year-old child reported to Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital with alleged history of injury with knife on 1/11/2014 at 1.30 noon to right eye. Primary sclera-corneal suturing was done in SION hospital on same day. On B-scan it was diagnosed as vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment. For further management patient came here.
examination cornea showed well apposed sutured corneo-sceral tear, total cataract
with dense vitreous hemorrhage. His vision was perception of light
examination of the case, decision of surgery - pars plana lenesectomy, with
vitrectomy with PFCL+ ENDO LASER+ with Silicone oil injection was performed on
4th November. Next post operative day his globe was oil filled, retina was well
attached with vision improved to Hand movement Close to face. Patient is doing
very well.