Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A young child successfully treated at Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital

 A young 8-year-old child reported to Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital with alleged history of injury with knife on 1/11/2014 at 1.30 noon to right eye. Primary sclera-corneal suturing was done in SION hospital on same day. On B-scan it was diagnosed as vitreous hemorrhage and  retinal detachment. For further management patient came here.

On examination cornea showed well apposed sutured corneo-sceral tear, total cataract with dense vitreous hemorrhage. His vision was perception of light presentation.
After examination of the case, decision of surgery - pars plana lenesectomy, with vitrectomy with PFCL+ ENDO LASER+ with Silicone oil injection was performed on 4th November. Next post operative day his globe was oil filled, retina was well attached with vision improved to Hand movement Close to face. Patient is doing very well.

Happy Smiles

Ms. Rathi who had lost her vision in her existing one eye ( left eye) was operated for Macular hole with Retinal detachment at Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital few months back. She is now able to see and to do things on her own.

Her positive attitude has helped her to recover and regain her vision back.

Click on the link to know about her experiences : http://youtu.be/2M8oUIRT0hg

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Precaution during Diwali


Diwali is a festival of celebration and firework. It is an auspicious event which can be made a sad moment in life if we are not careful enough. Fire cracker eye injury are common during the festival. They can cause loss of sight if severe enough. 
Cracker injuries can cause blunt and penetrating injuries to the eye. Crackers used during festival contain carbon, manganese, sulphur & other chemicals, which can damage the eye because of thermal (heat) and chemical component.

Two type of cracker have the maximum potential of ocular trauma. The first is the rocket, which is dangerous since its path is unpredictable and it can hit an innocent bystander when he is least expecting it. The second type of explosive related injuries occurs due to blast either intentional or unintentional.

If we stay extra careful during our celebration work we can prevent several disastrous conditions.


 Look for an open space and ensure there are no combustible and inflammatory things around. If so remove them at once

• Always buy fire works from licensed and reliable sellers

• Keep small children away from the bursting area

• Use a sparkler, agarbatti or a long fire wood to burst a cracker as they       
  keep you at a safe distance and do not possess open flames

• Read the label on the crackers and follow the instructions carefully.

• While igniting aerial fire works like rockets ensure that they are not facing any opening like an open window, door or an open building which may cause fire accidents.

• Keep fireworks stock away while lighting a particular firework.

• Wear footwear while lighting fireworks.

• Keep and a bucket full of water handy.

• Be Prepared for Emergency.

• Organize a community display of fireworks rather than individuals handling crackers.

• Keep first aid & two buckets of water handy. In the event of fire, extinguish flame by pouring water from the buckets. Every major fire is small when it starts.

• Light only one firework at a time, by one person. Others should watch from a safe distance.

• In case of burns, pour large quantity of water on the burnt area.

• In case of major burns, after extinguishing the fire, remove all smoldering clothes. Wrap the  victim in a clean bed sheet.

• The patient should be taken to a burns specialist or a major hospital. Don't panick.

• In case of eye burns, wash the eye with tap water for 10 minutes and take the victim to a hospital.


• Don’t wear Nylon clothes prefer cotton while bursting crackers.
• Strictly avoid using matches and lighters for bursting crackers as they have open flames which can be dangerous

• Never ignite aerial fireworks (like rockets) if there is any overhead obstruction present like trees and wires etc.

• Never ever leave a lit match, agarbatti or sparkler s near unused crackers.

• Never experiment with crackers or make your own fire works

• Avoid bursting fire works on roads

• Never ever light a cracker in your hand. See to it that you put it down and ignite it.

• Don't keep your face close to the cracker while trying to ignite it.

• Do not throw fire works at people

• Never give any firework item to small children

• Never try to burst crackers indoors or from inside a vehicle.

• Do not have fire works in your pocket while igniting another

• Do not tend to burst crackers when some one else is trying to ignite one

• When crackers take time or do not ignite immediately, do not indulge in trying to burst them. Rush to a safe place immediately. Throw some water to diffuse them.

• Never try to light used fireworks.

• Don't ignite fireworks in any container.

• Don't approach immediately to the misfired fireworks.

• Don't tamper with misfired fireworks.

• Don't wear loosely hanging clothes; secure all clothes properly.

• Don't apply any cream or ointment or oil on burnt area.

If an eye injury happens
  • Don’t press the eye with the palm or hand, lest the injury may get compounded.
  • Don’t tie cloth, across the eye firmly. This can cause undue pressure on the eye. Protect the eye with a cup of a shield.
  • In case of chemical injury, wash the eye well with clean water .It is better to avoid washing eye in case of mechanical injuries.
  • Don’t neglect any eye injury, however trivial it may look. It is always better to rule out vision threatening problems.
  • Rush to nearby hospital without any delay.

Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital is a tertiary care eye centre well equipped to tackle all types of ocular trauma cases with specialized retinal, corneal, glaucoma, oculoplasty and neuroophthalmology services. It has a 24X7 service to tackle ocular trauma cases.

Wish you a safe and prosperous Diwali.

Dr Kavita Rao
Cornea Cataract and Refractive services,
Aditya Jyot Eye Hoispital

Prof. Dr. S. Natarajan
Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital

Monday, October 20, 2014

Indusem 2014- Sustainability Summit

Indusem 2014- Sustainablity summit
"The Business of Medicine from Policy 2 Progress"

Organised by 
Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow 

In Collaboration with 
King George's Medical University, Lucknow

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Colloquy- 2014; Guest Faculty- Prof. Dr. S. Natarajan @ Susrut Eye Foundation and Research Centre


Colloquy- 2014; Guest Faculty- Prof. Dr. S. Natarajan @ Susrut Eye Foundation and Research Centre on 20th September 2014.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Public Symposium on Retinitis Pigmentosa on 23rd August 2014 at AJEH

Recently Aditya Jyot Eye hospital organised a unique symposium on one of the most enigmatic problems in ophthalmology, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP).
Patients and relatives of patients who attended the symposium went home with a clear picture about RP and the implications of living with RP. The symposium was unique because unlike others, the speakers in this forum were patients of RP and retinal detachment who gave the house a fresh perspective of living with and overcoming their disability. Ms Nidhi Goyal who was diagnosed with RP during her college days spoke extensively of her journey so far. She mentioned the obstacles she faced during education as well as socially. She also described the new technical devices that she uses in her academic pursuits (she is currently studying at the London School OF Economics).

Ms Sushmita Bubna who had a retinal detachment in both eyes and subsequent blindness also gave the house her side of the story. She currently runs a computer training institute for people with low vision, and has made a huge difference to a number of visually handicapped individuals. This was followed by an interactive session where patients and relatives of patients could ask questions to the speakers and get their doubts cleared. Various questions ranging from legal rights, educational concessions, travelling concessions, driving rules, matrimony, support groups were discussed and deliberated upon. All the speakers were very inspiring , and mentioned the will and  support of their
families in encouraging them with their pursuits.

A very insightful talk on ocular genetics and gene therapy for eye problems was given by Dr. Kumarmanickavel , Director of Research at Aditya Jyot eye hospital. Queries regarding gene therapy, ocular prosthesis (ARGUS 2) were discussed and answered.
Dr Chinmay Nakhwa , Vitreo retinal consultant at Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital, who organised the symposium was happy too.

"People with retinitis pigmentosa and other genetic retinal disorders are longing for a medical cure to their condition. Although medical science has made huge strides in genetic research for the treatment of eye disorders, it still has a long way to go in terms of clinical therapy. Patients with RP who have near normal vision in early childhood, gradually start losing vision in the second and third decade of life.This is the time when they have completed their education , marriage and are probably setting down with their family lives. Diagnosis of a genetic eye disease at this age causes a great amount of emotional stress and frustrations for the family.In such a scenario, interactions with other individuals who have overcome similar problems and getting practical helpful tips for everyday living is really encouraging"
The participants and the speakers were very appreciative of the initiative and wanted this program to be held on a regular basis. Individuals who want any information regarding the same can contact AJEH.


Chemical exposure to any part of the eye or eyelid may result in a chemical eye burn. chemical eye burn represent 7-10% of eye injuries. About 15-20% of burns to the face involve at least one eye. Although many burns result in only minor discomfort, every chemical exposure or burn should be taken seriously. Permanent damage is possible and can be blinding and life-altering.
The severity of a burn depends on what substance caused it, how long the substance had contact with the eye, and how the injury is treated. Damage is usually limited to the front segment of the eye, including the cornea, (the clear front surface of the eye responsible for good vision, which is most frequently affected), the conjunctiva (the layer covering the white part of the eye), and occasionally the internal eye structures of the eye, including the lens.Burns that penetrate deeper than the cornea are the most severe, often causing cataracts and glaucoma
Most chemical eye injuries occur at work. Industries use a variety of chemicals daily. However, chemical injuries also frequently occur at home from cleaning products or other regular household products; these injuries can be just as dangerous and must be treated seriously and immediately.

Treating a Chemical Eye Burn at Home
For all chemical injuries, the first thing you should do is immediately irrigate the eye copiously. Ideally, specific eye irrigating solutions should be used for this, but if none are available regular tap water will do just fine.
  • Begin washing your eye before taking any other action and continue for at least 10 minutes. The longer a chemical is in your eye, the more damage will occur. Diluting the substance and washing away any particles that may have been in the chemical are extremely important.
  • Ideally, in a work setting, you would be placed in an emergency eyewash or shower station and your eye washed with sterile isotonic saline solution. If sterile saline is not available, use cold tap water.
  • If you are at home and do not have special eye wash, step into the shower with your clothes on to wash out your eye.
  • Even though it may be uncomfortable, open your eyelids as wide as possible as you rinse them out.
  • If an alkali or hydrofluoric acid burn has occurred, continue washing until a doctor arrives or you have been taken to a hospital's emergency department.
Safety officials estimate that up to 90% of chemical eye injuries can be avoided.
  • Always wear safety glasses when working with hazardous materials, both at work and at home.
  • Children sustain chemical burns most often when they are unsupervised. Keep all hazardous home products away from children.

Sacred Space- The Speaking Tree

Wednesday, August 20, 2014